Bed & breakfasts, guest rooms and B&B's in 19417

Looking for a B&B in 19417? We couldn't find any bed and breakfasts in 19417 that meet your criteria. Change the options on the left-hand side to find results.

Bed & breakfasts less than 10 km from 19417

Gutshaus Daemelow

Gutshaus Daemelow

Bed & breakfast
Daemelow (Mecklenburg Vorpommern)
€ 90 - € 100 per night

In the beautiful countryside of Mecklenburg Vorpommern, our Guest House, B & B and holidayhome "Gutshaus Dämelow.

Bed & breakfasts less than 100 km from 19417

Bad Malente - Gremsmühlen

Bed and Breakfast - Bellevue

Bed & breakfasts less than 200 km from 19417


BnB Kerteminde

€ 70 - € 80 per night


Höfers B & B in B

Berlin (Schöneberg)

Berliner Bed and Breakfast

€ 68 per night